TN52XCH is a Huawei OptiX OSN 8800 T32 centralized crossover board, which supports the crossover of ODUk (k is 0, 1, 2, 2e, 3, 4, flex)/VC-4 signals, and the Packets exchange of Ethernet services

The TN52XCH board is a Huawei 3.2T universal crossover board, which is specially designed for use with the OptiX OSN 8800 T32 reinforcement subframe and OptiX OSN 8800 T32 universal subframeIts main function is to realize the crossover of ODUk (k is 0,1,2,2e,3,4,flex)/VC-4 signal and Packets exchange for Ethernet servicesThe application of this board enables the network to efficiently process and exchange data, improving the efficiency and performance of the network

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